Pineland Suzuki School Group Class Descriptions
"Raise your ability with a piece you can play."
-Shinichi Suzuki
​By practicing together the common Suzuki repertoire which students have already studied and memorized in their private lessons, as well as continually review and polish, the focus of group class is on a higher level of playing. Games and exercises played with pieces they already know enhance children’s motivation, concentration, listening ability, ensemble, musicality and natural, balanced posture. Group class is an essential part of a successful Suzuki experience and is taken in addition to private lessons.
Pre-Twinkle: For beginners on the violin and their parent practice partners. Students enjoy games and
exercises with their friends while they are learning posture, rhythm and basic musical skills. A 45-minute class is with the violin and 45 minutes is Music Mind Games and Movement.
Music Mind Games and Movement: For students ages 3-7, an interactive, full body approach to teaching music in acooperative, fun environment. Basic musical elements and performance skills are introduced by inspiring each student's natural ability to learn through the use of games, songs, and props. Theseelements include the musical alphabet, the grand staff, rhythm, symbols, tempo, dynamics, posture, awareness and expression.
Music Reading Class: For students ages 8 and up who are not yet in orchestra. Students learn how toclap, count and play basic rhythms, the grand staff, and get ready to read music.
Book 2 – 3 with orchestra: Violin and cello students are grouped in their instrument-specific repertoire
class and Allegro Orchestra, which is usually a students’ first orchestra experience. Students learn how to follow a conductor, play together and listen to each other. Students perform approximately two or three concerts (in December, March and May).
Prerequsite: Finish I Can Read Music Volume 1 by Joanne Martin, and be studying in Suzuki Book 2/3.
Capital Strings: High caliber pre-professional string chamber orchestra which performs a wide variety
of standard string orchestra literature several times a year. Pieces performed in the past include Vivaldi
Four Seasons and Concerto for Four Violins in B Minor, Tchaikovsky Serenade for Strings, Copland
Hoedown and Barber Adagio for Strings.
Prerequisite: Suzuki Book 6 or the equivalent, 3 octave scales all major and minor keys, arpeggios. Comfort in sight-reading, upper positions, advanced technical command, mature tone, intonation and vibrato.
Chamber Music: Students learn to listen, collaborate and communicate through music in small groups.
Prerequisite: Suzuki Book 4 and above, or equivalent. For strings, advanced pianists and wind players. Audition required for non-PSS students.
Advanced Opportunities: For students in Book 4 and up: Kennebec Valley Youth Symphony Orchestras rehearses on Tuesdays at Hope Baptist Church in Manchester. Advancing techniques allow students to focus not only on ensemble, but expression and drama. Click here to learn more about Kennebec Valley Youth Symphony Orchestras.