Fundraising is a necessary part of participating in the Pineland Suzuki School. There are many diverse opportunities to raise money:
visit local businesses and ask them to place an advertisement in upcoming concert programs
solicit donations from friends and family
donate items for a Silent Auction
play in additional fundraising concerts
decide to contribute money yourself
We understand that each family has their own skill set and comfort level around fundraising, so this is why we have so many different ways to get involved. We have plans for several new fundraising events and additional concerts; if you have any ideas that you think might work, talk to your teacher!
However you choose to help raise money, your involvement is critical. Money raised by the Pineland Suzuki Family significantly reduces the cost of group lessons for all students, and provides the work-study monies needed by some families. It also can be a terrific experience for children, as motivation to perfect pieces played in an upcoming concert or the opportunity to connect with new people about music in their life.
Below are the various forms you may need in your fundraising efforts, including:
selling advertisements in the concert programs
forms for sponsors (donations)
Poinsettia sales forms
Thank you very much for your family's support!